Saturday, May 20, 2006

South Wales Safety Camera Partnership.

Time and time again the South Wales Safety Camera Partnership drones on about safety and claim that their speed camera vans are only there to improve safety. Rubbish, every time there is a major sporting event at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff there are lots of speed camera vans on all major incoming roads to Cardiff.

Yet again today there was a speed camera van in the 50mph limit section of the M4 motorway before the toll boths for the Second Severn Crossing. Every time something is on at the Millennium Stadium a speed camera van is there at the same location on the service bridge. I have never seen a speed camera van there when there has been nothing on at the Millennium Stadium. This speed camera van is not there to improve safety, it is only there to generate revenue at £60 a time from drivers who are not regular travellers on this section of motorway. It is there to catch drivers new to the area, safety is not an issue at this location and the camera partnership is coining it in with this easy catch of large volumes of traffic. Drivers from England are easily caught in this quest for easy revenue, what a dreadful welcome to Wales and the £60 fine and 3 penalty points will make the trip to Cardiff a bad trip to remember. Would the driver wish to come to Wales again and risk running the gauntlet of the revenue grabbing South Wales Safety Camera Partnership? Not likely, they would never wish to come to Wales again. Whatever money they could have spent in Wales in the future has been lost forever because of the money grabbing speed camera vans.

No lives saved but plenty of money in the bank for the cameramen.
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