Saturday, September 29, 2007

Just-in-time socialising.

I agree with Deborah Orr in her column today...

One of the many dubious gifts that our mobile phones have awarded us is the advent of just-in-time socialising, the phenomenon whereby no one seems to care about being punctual any more, because they can just text you saying that they're about to leave the house and could you order them a vodka and tonic.

...I overhear a lot of mobile phone telephone calls in my day job. It amazes me just how fluid people are with their social arrangements. All meetings are done to the wire with the constant asking of "where are you now?". Can nobody arrange to meet somewhere at a given time? People have become so sloppy and unpunctual. If you were the same with your employment, then you would be sacked. Friends however seem to accept this casual ring, ring, I am coming now scenario without question. It shows that your friendships are similar to dog owning, you whistle and your favourite pet comes running. This is not the correct basis for adult relationships.
Oh dear, SPAM in my comment box and from someone who wishes to remain anonymous - what is the world coming to? It does not even have anything to do with the subject of my post and cannot even be considered to be targetted marketing.
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