Thursday, July 09, 2009

Does the Queen shit in the woods?

For years this expression had fooled me, I thought that the Queen was like everyone else. I believed that everyone went to the toilet in the woods, royalty included. Then I got married and Gail assured me that only men went to the toilet in the woods. I did not believe her and told her the tale of Susan walking over Dartmoor. Susan told John and I to continue walking along the path and that she would catch us up later. John and I smiled and we continued walking. We did not think anything of this, we thought this was normal. Gail however insists that only men do it outside and that ladies need proper clean toilets.

However, Gail does like a certain popular music group called Take That. They can have a great effect on women as they dream of Gary Barlow. Watch the video below taken on the 20th June 2009 outside the Take That concert at Hampden Park in Glasgow. This video shows equality in action and proves my case that both genders can go anywhere!

I still think I am right Steve, Ladies don't do things like that in public and she is no lady, liked the clip though.
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