Saturday, November 28, 2009

The average dog owner gets more exercise walking their pet than someone with a gym membership, a pet health care expert has claimed. Researchers found animal lovers exercise their pet twice a day for 24 minutes each time – a total of five hours and 38 minutes a week. On top of that, the average dog owner also takes their pet out on three long walks each week adding another two hours and 33 minutes to the total.

But in comparison, those without a dog spend an average of just one hour and 20 minutes per week exercising by going to the gym or heading out for a stroll or jog. And almost half (47 per cent) of non-pet owners admit they do absolutely no exercise whatsoever.

...This newspaper story comes as little surprise to me. I have a crossbreed Jack Russell/Lakeland Terrier dog and taking him out for a walk is a joy. Taking him for a walk is not a chore, it is part of living, this freedom that we can all enjoy to wander about, wherever we wish. Compared to going to a gym, where the user exercises but does not go anywhere, there is really no contest. Going to a gym must be as exciting as watching paint dry! What an expensive chore gym membership must be, all that effort for no reward! Dog walking starts at your front door and you can pick your shopping up on the way back. Look at all the urban traffic congestion around caused by young ladies driving to the gym where they pose like performing seals! Get a life, get a dog and enjoy life like a normal person. You will also get a good loyal friend in a dog rather than a bored looking expression as you see yourself in the gym mirror!
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