Thursday, March 25, 2010

It was only a matter of time .

When I read about the new full body scanners being introduced at airports to stop suicide bombers from boarding planes, I knew it was only a matter of time before the terrorists developed a work-around. Radical Islamist plastic surgeons could be carrying out the implant operations in lawless areas of Pakistan, security sources are said to warned. Explosives experts have reportedly said just five ounces of Pentaerythritol Tetrabitrate packed into a breast implant would be enough to blow a “considerable” hole in the side of a jumbo jet.

It would be virtually impossible for airport security scanners to detect the explosive if hidden inside a breast, medics have said. Joseph Farah, a terrorism expert, told The Sun: "Women suicide bombers recruited by al-Qaeda are known to have had the explosives inserted in their breasts under techniques similar to breast enhancing surgery." Plastic surgeons may also have inserted the chemical into the buttocks of would-be suicide bombers.

...So, there you have it, watch out for exploding wobbly bits! When the news of these full body scanners at airports was broadcast I was sceptical that they would actually stop suicide bombers from boarding aircraft. I never thought about breast and buttock implants but I suppose the terrorists just played around with the words. "Plant a bomb" became simply "Implant a bomb". al-Qaeda will just keep plugging away until they get a breakthrough and when using plastic explosives it is logical to get the help of plastic surgeons. Of course, how would the suicide bomber detonate their explosive breasts or buttocks? I suppose they would simply tickle their belly button and BOOM! Or maybe you should be aware of Muslim girls with erect nipples or a Muslim man scratching his balls!
Hi Steve

Nothing new here, the latest barmaid in the Shakespear has got a dynamite bottom.

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