Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Something poor people do?

I am a non smoker and I have never smoked. I am pleased that our government has banned smoking in enclosed public places. This makes for a better life for everyone. Now Ash Scotland is calling for smoking to become illegal in private cars. Now, this post is not about personal freedom but some of the data used in Ash Scotland's arguments. The report "Beyond Smoke Free" showed that the highest smoking rates are found in the poorest communities, with rates in the most deprived areas at 43% compared with 9% in the least deprived. In Scotland's most deprived areas, 32% of deaths are due to smoking compared to just 15% in the least deprived.

So, there you have it, smoking is something that poor people do. If you look around outside you will see these people smoking in doorways, they never appear to be enjoying their filthy habit. These people are poor in the financial sense and poor in common sense also. There is a lot of criticism of Britain becoming a nanny state but these poor people should be encouraged to understand that there are better things in life to enjoy rather than their disgusting, dirty and life reducing habit of smoking.
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