Tuesday, December 28, 2010

last man standing by David Baldacci .

Meet Web London who works for the FBI. He is an assaulter on the Hostage Rescue Team, a highly trained sniper. Web is a member of the 7 man Charlie team who go on an operation, only to be ambushed. 6 members of Charlie team are shot dead, Web is the only member still alive, hence the title of the book - last man standing.

last man standing is a fast, action story. This book is a crime thriller that centres on conspiracy. This novel is a nice story to follow as your daily read. It has 548 pages and was written in 2001. The print size is relatively small, making this book a long read. The joy of this book is the level of detail that David goes into. This detail gives the reader such a full and explained picture. All these extra details just add to your enjoyment of this book as you pick up all these little pieces of information. You read about how snipers actually do their work, the pros and cons of different guns, night vision goggles and attack strategies. If you have a square building and are to launch a rescue using 2 entry points, which ones do you choose? You choose the back or front plus a side. You do not choose the front and back or both sides because of the danger of shooting your team members in the cross fire.

There is plenty going on in this story, which makes you wonder how this conspiracy is working and you start to hatch your own theories. This novel has a very involved plot which covers a lot of ground. Nothing big or really surprising happens but this lovely collection of a whole host of details build into a very full but not deep story. The ending was okay with everything resolved. A nice touch is that not every potential answer to the conspiracy part of this novel did not hold true. Just because parts of this novel appear to be extremely relevant, they can be false leads to the solving of the mystery behind the ambush where 6 members of Charlie team were shot dead.

last man standing is an entertaining read and is quite light in it's tone. It is a good book for readers who do not read often or are new to books. I think last man standing is a good book for everyone and I shall be voting it 4 stars on shelfari .
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