Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I always said things are good. 

Walking our dog yesterday, I stood on the path whilst Barney was busy in the bushes. I was minding my own business when I was approached by an elderly couple. I have seen this elderly couple strolling around Ely before and their dress sense screams out God Botherers' to me.

Sure enough, the elderly woman offered me a leaflet which I declined and I advised her that I was an Atheist. She accepted this and declared that she was a Jehovah's Witness . We then had a brief chat about things and she claimed that things were bad and getting worse. I countered that I believed things were good, have never been better and living standards across Britain are at an all time high. She did not challenge my opinion and went onto another of the standard fayre that God Botherers' employ.

And I was right because today in the Daily Telegraph is news that UK living standards are the second highest in Europe in 2010. Living standards were 21pc higher in the UK compared with the average in the EU, the statistics office Eurostat said. In Luxembourg standards were 50pc higher. Germany took third place, followed by the Netherlands and Austria.

Individual consumption was used as the measure, often cited because it includes all goods and services that a household consumes, regardless of whether they pay for them. That way Britain's rating is boosted by public services such as health and education, which are largely government funded. Bulgaria was judged to have the lowest standard of living, 58pc below that of the EU average.
"That way Britain's rating is boosted by public services such as health and education, which are largely government funded."

Cannot comment on our Health service but check out this link to see how our educational standards compare with some of our European neighbours.

It might be government funded but is it any good?

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