Sunday, October 26, 2008

Coffee is back on the menu.

Further to my post on Wednesday 15th October 2008 , coffee is now back on the menu. I laid off the coffee but on the nights of Friday 17th October and Saturday 18th October I was awoken by an acute pain in the lower right hand section of my back. This pain was dreadful and I wondered what the devil was going on. Paracetamol did not help but drinking tea really did help and I got back to sleep. I did not understand why drinking tea helped and relieved the pain but felt that I may have to visit the doctor on Monday. However on Sunday afternoon I felt this discomfort lifting and I had a strong feeling that whatever was wrong was simply going away. By Sunday night I was feeling my old self and 7 days later I now know that whatever I had picked up has gone away for good. I think that because I never had any sickness or diarrhoea and nobody else had my symptoms that it was not food poisoning. I think that a mosquito that bit me in Cuba gave me an infection that took my immune system some time to overcome. Still I got the better of this nasty little bug and I did not lose any work over it!

I am so pleased that coffee is back on the menu, I gave it a try with no side effects. Therefore I have not developed a food intolerance to coffee, unlike my mother. Gail does not drink a lot of coffee and I knew we had quite a bit in our garage. We buy coffee when it is on offer in the supermarket, never paying full price. I thought, what if I cannot drink coffee any more? Still, I am drinking coffee again and today I looked in the garage to check on our coffee stock level. We are not running low and do not need to check supermarket prices. We have 19, yes nineteen large jars of coffee in our garage! Thank goodness I have not developed a food intolerance to coffee!

I did not rush at writing a holiday review, I wrote a little bit here and there. I have now finished writing and editing my report and it can be read on my holiday blog .
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